miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

Partitura Tetris

Students from 2nd ESO bilingual have started working on this music sheet. It is the song of the world famous videogame "Tetris". This game was created before you were even born, but I am sure you have played it sometime, even in your phones or tablets.

One difficult aspect of this song is the note reb. In order to play it, remember that you have to leave the first hole of the recorder half opened.

Partitura Supercalifragilisticoespialidoso

Aquí os dejo la partitura de una de las canciones más conocidas de la película "Mary Poppins". Es más difícil pronunciar o escribir la palabra que tocar la canción, así que ¡ánimo!

Partitura Star Wars

La banda sonora de la gran saga cinematográfica es tan espectacular que resulta dificil elegir un sólo tema, pero como había que empezar por alguno, los alumnos de 1º de la ESO están trabajando en el tema principal, que se escucha al inicio de las películas.

La partitura os la dejo aquí:

En el siguiente vídeo podéis ver una versión de la banda sonora de Star Wars interpretada por The Piano Guys. Chewbacca y Darth Vader hacen de las suyas...

martes, 21 de octubre de 2014

Partitura This is Halloween

In just a few days, we will celebrate Halloween. Although it is not traditional in Spain, it is important to know traditions from different countries.
That is why students from 1st and 2nd ESO bilingual are working on the intro of the film "The Nightmare Before Christmas". The song they are performing is "This is Halloween".

There is another version of this song by Marilyn Manson. His voice can be scary, so the video I have chosen shows the images from the videogame "Just Dance 3".

The music sheet can be hard because it has to be played fast and it has many similar notes, but I am sure that with a little practice, it will sound just perfect!

Partitura Soft Kitty

Students in 1º c-d bilingual have been working on Soft Kitty, a song which appears in the Tv series "Big Bang Theory".

It is a song that Sheldon makes Penny sing to him when he is sick. In this video, though, it is Sheldon who sings the song to Penny. They even perform a canon!


Here you can see the music sheet.

 And here there is a video in which Penny sings the song, and Sheldon plays along with the recorder. I hope you enjoy it and laugh as hard as I did.

Partitura Un Elefante

Aquí os dejo la partitura de la canción Un Elefante.

Partitura Bob Esponja

Aquí os dejo la partitura de Bob Esponja, canción que están preparando algunos grupos de 1º y 2º de la ESO

Partitura Piratas del Caribe

Aquí tenéis la partitura de Piratas del Caribe. Estamos trabajando esta canción en 2º de la ESO.
Para ver la partitura en tamaño original, sólo tenéis que hacer click sobre la imagen.


Hola a todos:

Os doy la bienvenida a mi blog, donde podréis encontrar recursos para la clase de música. Habrá partituras, vídeos y material complementario a las explicaciones teóricas que veremos a lo largo del curso.